Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Cluster ratio? Cluster factor?

MS SQL Server 2000
let's say there is a table ORDERS with a clustered index on
(order_date, some other column). Also there is a non-clustered index on
shipment_date. Since most orders are shipped within 3 business days,
the data is stored almost ordered by shipment_date.
Most rows for the same shipment date are stored on adjacent data pages.
There is another index on zipcode, which does not correlate with order
date at all. Is there anything I can read from system views to tell the
difference? In Oracle/DB2 I can read cluster factor/cluster ratio.
You probably need DBCC SHOWCONTIG, you can check out the documentation in
Books online. If you want more information on this sort of thing you may als
want to read "Inside SQL Server 2000" by Kalen Delaney ISBN 0-7356-0998-5 an
Ken Henderson's "The Guru's guide to SQL Server Architecture and
Internals" ISBN 0-201-7004706
"ford_desperado@.yahoo.com" wrote:

> MS SQL Server 2000
> let's say there is a table ORDERS with a clustered index on
> (order_date, some other column). Also there is a non-clustered index on
> shipment_date. Since most orders are shipped within 3 business days,
> the data is stored almost ordered by shipment_date.
> Most rows for the same shipment date are stored on adjacent data pages.
> There is another index on zipcode, which does not correlate with order
> date at all. Is there anything I can read from system views to tell the
> difference? In Oracle/DB2 I can read cluster factor/cluster ratio.

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