Friday, February 24, 2012

Client-side or server-side XML support?

What are the advantages/divantages of using either
client programming support in SQL server (referred to as
SQLXML) or server-side support - especially when
extracting formatted information from SQL server into a
C# web service? Which one is faster? What type of support
should be used in what circumtances, e.g. when IIS and
SQL server run on the same machine, when extracted
information is more/less voluminous?
Thanks in advance.
JensIf you are talking about extracting information from the database only, then
using ADO/ with FOR XML is normally slightly better in performance,
since the XPath against annotated schema is using FOR XML under the covers
as well, but has the translation overhead (assuming that you have the same
So it becomes more of a difference of the programming model and whether you
also load data (in which case for example the SQLXML XML Bulkload object
provides better performance than OpenXML).
Best regards
"Jens Doss" <> wrote in message
> What are the advantages/divantages of using either
> client programming support in SQL server (referred to as
> SQLXML) or server-side support - especially when
> extracting formatted information from SQL server into a
> C# web service? Which one is faster? What type of support
> should be used in what circumtances, e.g. when IIS and
> SQL server run on the same machine, when extracted
> information is more/less voluminous?
> Thanks in advance.
> Jens

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