Saturday, February 25, 2012

Cloned SQL 2005 Install

I need a little help with a cloned SQL 2005 install. We have a couple of Virtual Machines that SQL 2005 was installed on. The install was orginally completed on <pc1> and then duped over to <pc2>. The problem now is that <pc2> is showing information from <pc1> everywhere. I have reviewd this document:, and it doesn't seem to help any. I have used the sp_dropserver command with 'droplogins' to try to recreate the logins for <pc2> but it's still showing the logins from <pc1>. Can someone please help me out, I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong here. Thanks!

Am I looking at a re-install here?

The doc says there is no need to re-install, but those commands just aren't taking care of the problem. When I run @.@.servername it does show the correct server as node 0, but the logins are still there from <pc1>. I deleted the 3 logins that were referenced to the old PC, now I just can't get them re-created for <pc2>

|||What logins are you referring to?

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