Below, I have pasted a portion of an MS MSDN article dealing with a specific issue we are having with Report Server performance. The URL ( is the MS KB article on the described fix. The fix mentioned is for "ASP.NET 1.1" but our BP Report Server is using "ASP.NET 2.0".
Has anyone encountered and resolved and how?
Running on box:
ASP.NET 2.0.50727;
SSRS 2005 Sp1 + Hotfix#2175;
Win Server 2003, R2, x64, SP1
Trend Micro OfficeScan Cleint for Win 2003/xp v7.3
IIS Version (I cannot find this #) - ? IE 6.0
Report Manager or the report server runs very slowly
In some circumstances, ASP.NET applications run very slowly on computers that are running anti-virus software. If the Report Server Web service is restarting frequently, and you are running anti-virus software, you can obtain an ASP.NET fix from Microsoft Customer Support Services.
Symptoms include Web applications or Application Domains restarting for no apparent reason, slow performance, session restarts, and more. For more information about the symptoms, cause, and resolution, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article 821438.
You can find out whether there are excessive server restarts by viewing the number of reportserver_<timestamp>.log files. A new log is created each time the server starts. A large collection of logs created at very short intervals is an indication that the conditions described in article 821438 exist on your server
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