Friday, February 24, 2012

Client viewing KPI Browser and cube browser

Hi guys

I am just wondering, i know that within VS the developer has access to the KPI Browser and cube browser. How do i give access to the KPI Browser to a business user and allow them to play with the cube browser (without giving them VS Smile ). I know that Reporting services can hook onto the cubes and create reports from that but that’s not quite the same, as I would have to create a report that looks like one that is already available in VS.

I read a little bit here which says that sharepoint might be able to access the KPI data and display it but if this is the case does it look the same as it does in VS? Also if i don’t have sharepoint this doesn't help me all that much.

Also i know that a business user has access to the report builder but i have not seen anything in it yet that looks like the cube browser. The closest it comes is the matrix view, which i wouldn't have thought was exactly the same.

Thanks for the help


Have you considered end-user tools like Excel 2007 and Proclarity - these can connect to cube KPI's, and are better suited to business users? The latest versions of some other AS 2005 client tools also support KPI's.

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