I have a database called Paris. I want to clone it but I want the new name
to be Milan. I tried creating a new database named Milan and restoring
Paris over it but Management Studio would not allow this. I had overwrite
checked. How can I do this?
Gary Blakely
"GaryDean" <GaryDean@.newsgroups.nospam> wrote in message
>I have a database called Paris. I want to clone it but I want the new name
>to be Milan. I tried creating a new database named Milan and restoring
>Paris over it but Management Studio would not allow this. I had overwrite
>checked. How can I do this?
Don't use the GUI.
Personally I wouldn't bother creating Milan but would simply backup Paris
RESTORE DATABASE MILAN from disk='c:\paris.bak' etc etc.
> --
> Regards,
> Gary Blakely
Greg Moore
SQL Server DBA Consulting Remote and Onsite available!
Email: sql (at) greenms.com http://www.greenms.com/sqlserver.html
|||> RESTORE DATABASE MILAN from disk='c:\paris.bak' etc etc.
... and read up on the MOVE option of the RESTORE command.
Tibor Karaszi, SQL Server MVP
"Greg D. Moore (Strider)" <mooregr_deleteth1s@.greenms.com> wrote in message
> "GaryDean" <GaryDean@.newsgroups.nospam> wrote in message
> news:ewnkrPDlHHA.4772@.TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
> Don't use the GUI.
> Personally I wouldn't bother creating Milan but would simply backup Paris and
> RESTORE DATABASE MILAN from disk='c:\paris.bak' etc etc.
> --
> Greg Moore
> SQL Server DBA Consulting Remote and Onsite available!
> Email: sql (at) greenms.com http://www.greenms.com/sqlserver.html
|||Hello Gary,
I agree Tibor that you may want to use Move option since you may want to
use a different path for the database files. You could refer to the
following article for some related information
314546 HOW TO: Move Databases Between Computers That Are Running SQL Server
Please let's know if you have any further questions on this issue. Thanks.
Best Regards,
Peter Yang
MCSE2000/2003, MCSA, MCDBA
Microsoft Online Partner Support
When responding to posts, please "Reply to Group" via your newsreader so
that others may learn and benefit from your issue.
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|||On May 12, 9:24 am, "GaryDean" <GaryD...@.newsgroups.nospam> wrote:
> I have a database called Paris. I want to clone it but I want the new name
> to be Milan. I tried creating a new database named Milan and restoring
> Paris over it but Management Studio would not allow this. I had overwrite
> checked. How can I do this?
> --
> Regards,
> Gary Blakely
Hi. I suggest you copy DB, that's quite straight forward, you can
choose any name from it.
|||Well, I don't INSIST on using the gui but...
Thanks, that worked great. Now I see what the badly worded error message
was trying to tell me.
Gary Blakely
"Daniel Crichton" <msnews@.worldofspack.com> wrote in message
> GaryDean wrote on Fri, 11 May 2007 18:24:07 -0700:
> If you insist on using the GUI to do this, you need to change the
> filenames in the Restore As column on the Options page of the restore
> task. MS is preventing you from restoring using the previous filenames as
> this would overwrite the files for the Paris database.
> Dan
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