Saturday, February 25, 2012

cloning servers with sql server on them

Anyone have any experience with cloning servers that have sql server
installed. I am wondering what will happen when the new virtual server comes
up using a different name. sql server takes it name from the server name.
Will it just automatically adjust or is there a process to deal with that?
If it's SQL Server 2005 and it has never run after installation, it will
"fix" itself upon first startup. Else, it's a simple process to
drop/register the new server name (just like in 2000). If you have other
objects in there name/server dependencies, well, that gets a little more
"jason" <> wrote in message
> Anyone have any experience with cloning servers that have sql server
> installed. I am wondering what will happen when the new virtual server
> comes
> up using a different name. sql server takes it name from the server name.
> Will it just automatically adjust or is there a process to deal with that?
> Thanks.
|||Hello Jason,
If you rename a server with SQL 2000/2005 installed, you may want to use
sp_dropserver to drop old server name, and then run sp_addserver to add the
new server name.
303774BUG: "Renaming A Server" Topic in SQL Server Books Online is
317241Renaming a host computer for SQL Server causes stored procedure
debug to fail;EN-US;317241
281642PRB: Error 14274 Occurs When You Update a SQL Agent Job After
Renaming Windows Server;EN-US;281642
Please let me know if you have any comments or questions. Thank you.
Best Regards,
Peter Yang
MCSE2000/2003, MCSA, MCDBA
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