Saturday, February 25, 2012

client-side SQLXML

I assume from
that it is possible to have the server-side provider be an OLEDB provider
for Oracle
for instance. But I have failed to find any code samples where SQLXML is
client-side to query Oracle or any other RDBMS. Does anyone have an example
of this?
Chris Harrington
Active Interface, LLC.
http://www.activeinterface.comThe client side SQLXML is only built into the SQL Server OLEDB provider so
it won't work against anything except SQL Server.
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
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"ChrisHarrington" <> wrote in message
>I assume from
> that it is possible to have the server-side provider be an OLEDB provider
> for Oracle
> for instance. But I have failed to find any code samples where SQLXML is
> used
> client-side to query Oracle or any other RDBMS. Does anyone have an
> example of this?
> Thanks,
> Chris
> Chris Harrington
> Active Interface, LLC.
>|||But the diagram clearly shows SQLXML being used with "other dbms" systems -
did MSFT make an untrue statement with that diagram?
"Roger Wolter[MSFT]" <> wrote in message
> The client side SQLXML is only built into the SQL Server OLEDB provider so
> it won't work against anything except SQL Server.
> --
> This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no
> rights.
> Use of included script samples are subject to the terms specified at
> "ChrisHarrington" <> wrote in message
> news:erR04RBwHHA.736@.TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
>|||Sorry, my bad. We used to block that. I assume you just have to specify
the right OLEDB connection string for your provided. Other than that there
shouldn't be any difference.
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
Use of included script samples are subject to the terms specified at
"ChrisHarrington" <> wrote in message
> But the diagram clearly shows SQLXML being used with "other dbms"
> systems - did MSFT make an untrue statement with that diagram?
> "Roger Wolter[MSFT]" <> wrote in message

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