Sunday, February 19, 2012

Client SQL Tools

Hi people,
Does anybody know how to instal a Client SQL Tools on a
Windows 2003 Server.
I am trying to install it but when I select " database
components" from setup, nothing happens on the server...
The installation setup disapears!
Thanks in advance.
We need to review the sqlstp log files for any errors or clues...
Do you have any other instances of SQL Server installed on this machine?
SQL Server Support
Agnes Panosian
|||No, that=B4s a Windows 2003Web Server.=20
We don=B4t have any SQL instance in this server, we just=20
need the client configuration to connect the database=20
>--Original Message--
>We need to review the sqlstp log files for any errors or=20
>Do you have any other instances of SQL Server installed=20
on this machine?
>SQL Server Support
>Agnes Panosian

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